Dead Frontier II Wiki

Default key bindings are listed below. These can be changed at anytime in game by going to MENU (Default Escape ) > CHANGE CONTROLS.

Note that Delete  cannot be assigned, because it is a special key that is used to clear an existing assignment.

Action Primary Secondary Tertiary
Forward UpArrow W None
Backward DownArrow S None
Strafe Left LeftArrow A None
Strafe Right RightArrow D None
Fire Mouse0 Z JoystickButton0
Aim Mouse1 X JoystickButton1
Melee 1 Mouse0 Z JoystickButton0
Melee 2 Mouse1 X JoystickButton1
Reload R None None
Cycle Weapon LeftBracket RightBracket None
Select Weapon Alpha1 Alpha2 None
Action E None None
Sneak LeftControl RightControl None
Sprint LeftShift RightShift None
Dodge Space None None
Kick RightAlt LeftAlt None
Chat Return T None
Inventory Tab I None
Map M None None
View Profile F None None
Open Menu Escape None None
Submit Return None None
Cancel Escape None None
Cycle Field Tab None None
Say "I need water" Keypad0 None None
Say "Help!" Keypad1 None None
Say "Look out!" Keypad2 None None
Say "This way" Keypad3 None None
Say "Let's go" Keypad4 None None
Say "Wrong way!" Keypad5 None None
Say "Reloading" Keypad6 None None
Say "Out of ammo" Keypad7 None None
Say "I need meds" Keypad8 None None
Say "I need food" Keypad9 None None

Available: F1-12 , Alpha0 , Alpha3-9 , B , C , G , J , K , L , N , O , P , Q , V , Y , Semicolon , Quote , Backslash , Minus , Equals , BackQuote , Backspace , Insert , Home , End , Page Up , Page Down , KeypadDivide , KeypadMultiply , KeypadMinus , KeypadPlus , KeypadEnter , CapsLock , NumLock , ScrollLock , SysReq , Pause , Menu , LeftCommand , RightApple
